Moonset in Ghost Bay

Moonset. Not yet dawn. But not quite still night. It would be so good to be sitting in Ghost Bay right this very minute, watching moonset happen.

I am in the city now. Moonset must happen from some vantage point in my city. Don’t you think? Maybe from the river’s edge, at just the exact perfect time. But I don’t live near the river. Maybe from a highrise, aimed in the right direction a few times each year. But I don’t live in a highrise either.

Long Lake. In Ghost Bay. This was August, 2011.


Full Moonset: September 4, 2009 6:30am


This is Steve’s close up shot of the moon setting.  Moonset.  Not sunset, not sunrise.  The sun was just beginning to poke up in the eastern sky, but this light was still the cold white light of the moon.

Next is more how the eye saw it. The morning mist rising from the lake. No breeze. Moonset only lasted a few minutes–just before sunrise took hold.
