My “I Knit For Folk Art” Sweater (Part 2)

It has been a long time to “FO Day.” This now-Finished Object was cast on February 27, 2010. It was completed May 12, 2010.  Before being cast on, it was  about 1750 yards of, well, basically very nice string that used to grow on sheep.  It seems like it should be sheeps, and I’m sure it was more than one of those critters who “donated” their fleece to make this sweater, but sheep.  This sweater used to grow on sheep.  Mixing animal references now, this was a bear to knit.  Some knitters can teach their hands to remember intricate patterns.  Not me.  My hands are mostly stupid and need constant guidance from my head.

The pattern is Paton’s Dad’s Cardigan.  It is a free pattern with some unfortunate goofs in it just to keep us knitters on our toes.  Goofs in patterns are cod liver oil for knitters: it’s what makes us strong so usually we swallow hard and just get on with it.   I’ve posted my corrections here on Ravelry and emailed Paton’s hoping I can tempt them to fix the errors in the cabling abbreviations. Forget the errors.  They were momentary distractions.  OK, they were kind of big distractions and then I made my peace with them.   Another knitter has turned string into a garment to keep another brother warm. “O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!” He likes it a lot.  She “chortled in his joy.”