Happy holidays to all

Best wishes to all for a wonderful holiday season. I hope yours is filled with family, friends, yummy food, and lots of yarnie goodness!

If you’re interested in knitting a few of these baubles, check out Seven Chen’s freebie Spiral Tawashi on Ravelry. Chen has assigned this creation to the “cleaner/scrubber” category. That’s the perfect category if knit in the recommended Daruma “Cafe Kitchen” acrylic. The yarn “contains silver ions (Ag+)” that supposedly provides antibacterial and anti-smell properties. So says the manufacturer of the yarn, anyway. Seems a tall order given what a scrubber contends with. But, maybe. I knit mine in Brown Sheep Lamb’s Pride Worsted and stuffed the “scrubber” with polyfill. No kitchen duties for these scrubbers.

Such a festive touch on a holiday tree or even just sitting around in my Gram’s wooden bowl. The spirals on the tops and bottoms knit up perfectly and easily.

Goodness knows I have a LOT of oddments of Lamb’s Pride left over from my Gartergantuan.

Happy holidays to all!

P.S. So sorry for having to turn off the comments section. Because I really enjoy receiving your feedback. Something went haywire on my spam filter plug-in and…well…and. I’ll spare you the details. Having my son assist with a fix is definitely on my new year wish list, along with a few funny coffee mugs to lighten the mood in the office.